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Does auto insurance cover hurricane damage?Post

Does auto insurance cover hurricane damage?

Dealing with hurricanes every year is nothing new, especially for those that reside in the South-Eastern and gulf regions of the United States. In 2005, Mother Nature really made her presence known with the help of hurricane Katrina, Gustav, and a few others that battered the coasts that year. If you didn’t prepare yourself, your...

Dealing with hurricanes every year is nothing new, especiall...

What situations does auto insurance cover?Post

What situations does auto insurance cover?

Determining if your are covered in rare situations can be a fuzzy subject unless you read through the terms and conditions of your policy. The only way to really know when you are covered and when you are not is to go through your auto insurance policy with a fine-toothed comb, or even better, pay...

Determining if your are covered in rare situations can be a ...

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